Sunday, September 5, 2010

To do...

Here is my 'To Do' list for September 2, 2010.
1. Pack up all personal belongings
2. Pack up classroom and all needed school supplies
3. Pack up anything else you or the nearest 150 people around you will need for the next few months.
4. Put all of the above into a moving truck at the bottom of the gangway.
5. Drive to your new home
6. Unpack all personal belongings, school, work, etc. from truck and carry it into your new home.
7. Settle in and call this new place 'home'.

Yes I definitely had major doubts that this could happen in one day when they first told us we were moving off-ship for a few months. I had absolutely no idea that when that group of 150 people joined forces, the impossible could be achieved...and with everyone still smiling by the end of the day! Yes our bones, muscles, joints and hands were fatigued....but we did it! For the next few months, we will be based on land in South Africa! The ship is needing some major repairs in order to increase the number of operating rooms that can be used for surgery. Our home (the ship) will be going into 'dry-dock' as it is taken out of the water for some serious surgery (how the roles of turned!)

Our new home in South Africa is beautiful. We have the most glorious sunrises and sunsets and an incredible landscape to wake up to each day. Our campus is located in a Zulu community so we are looking forward to building some great relationships with the people here! God has provided us a place where the ship-kids can finally run and play, climb trees, pet animals and really...just be kids! It is very exciting to see them adjusting to their new home.

Our task for the next week will be to get our school set up and in motion! Please pray for this process as there is alot of work to be done! This was an abandoned teacher's college from many years ago so as with any abandoned place, there are always glitches in trying to get it up and running again! We really are just thanking God for bringing us to this place as it is perfect accomodation for the crew while we are land based!

Thanks for your prayers!!!

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