Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bed Ridden.....again

Last night while playing soccer out in Cotonou, I collided with another player, heard a loud POP, and landed on the ground in severe pain, grasping my knee. A few seconds of breathlessness and shooting pain allowed me to realize that I would not be finishing the game. After being carried off of the field by a couple of guys on the team, I was propped up with some cold water bottles on the sidelines by some of the nurses that were also playing. From this spot, I really could do nothing but observe …and think.

Although it sounds odd, I found it uncomfortable to be the one ‘hurting’ in Africa. Sitting on the sidelines, I was confronted by so many concerned and loving people. The language barrier made it difficult for me to communicate that I was going to be ok….and the local people just continued to care and show immense compassion. At first, I wasn’t sure if this was ok.

Isn’t that why I came? To relieve suffering, to show compassion for the hurting, to bring hope and healing? At this moment, my eyes were opened to two very significant realities that are an inevitable part of being human.

Suffering and Compassion.

They co-exist, within everyone.

Yes, I can be the one ‘suffering’.

Yes, they can be the ones showing compassion.

In that short hour, I realized that I am much more comfortable with giving compassion, then receiving it. How humbling…to have those who I have ‘come to help’, be the ones who help me. Perhaps that is the lesson God wants to teach me in all of this…how to receive compassion.

It didn’t end there either. The crew on the ship have continued to show endless amounts of compassion….really showing love in each and every action. From getting ice, to bringing food and chocolate J, to finding the doctor, to giving up the bottom bunk, to teaching my class for me, to carrying me up and down stairs, to visiting me and praying with me. I could go on. They have a true understanding of 1 John 3:18 “Dear children, let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions.”

Thank you for your actions of love….I am truly humbled.

1 comment:

  1. hey ill be praying for ya!! aw isnt it Awesome to see how God shows us things even through getting hurt it gives us a chance to take and breath and step back. i hurt my back about 2 months ago and have been out of work. and thrugh this time the Lord has showed me alot that if i hadnt hurt my back would never have seen..have a great night :)
