Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Living by design

Today was not our official first day of the Gateway course but it was really the first day of content. Today we focused on the question "Who am I?" We discussed the intrinsic value we have been given by being made in the image of God. This value is unchanging and no matter what circumstances or challenges we have faced in the past, our worth is defined in God alone. We were all asked to take the DISC personality test online before coming and today was the day we were able to look at them indepth and apply parts of them to both "who I am" and also "what I think others expect me to be". It was great to have the opportunity and tools to self-reflect and to learn what areas I need to be broken and rebuilt. I really feel that the next month will be a major time of growth and change in me...a much needed change. My goal is to become someone who lives according to how I was designed to live...using the full potential God has given me, knowing that it would be a diservice to Him to ignore the potential He has placed within me.

"Unmeasurable are my limits for I call you Father
Unimaginable my potential, for you have called me daughter"

1 comment:

  1. wow..I just loved reading this post. So encouraging :)
