Saturday, August 22, 2009

Time Flies

After having a discussion with another crew member last night, I came to realize that on Monday, I will have already been here for 1 month. It is absolutely crazy how fast time goes when your entire life is lived within a 500 ft area! I have found this to be very convenient at times. Who ever thought I would be able to do laundry on the lunch hour between Language Arts and Social Studies? In fact, one of our Social Studies projects this week was mapping our community. Within only two 45 minute periods, we were able to find and map the park (jungle gym on deck 8), the nearest pool, our entire school, the library, the laundry room, the church (international lounge), restaurant (or as some people call it, the dining room), each of our homes, the nearest shopping center (ship shop), the nearest Starbucks (across from the ship shop), movie theatre (mid-ships lounge), the hairdressers, convenience store (snack bar), and the best lookout areas of our community which just happens to be an ocean! We had a very fun map-making adventure!!

I really can't believe that two weeks of school have already come and gone. Most of my friends from Gateway training in Texas (the Gates family:D) have finally arrived as of Thursday! It has been such a great week getting to hear all about their mission to Dominican Republic before coming here.

School has been going very well! I had quite a few "I just LOVE being a teacher" moments this week :). Unfortunately there is a bug literally ripping through the entire school....well entire ship...which has left our classrooms a few students less throughout the week. Please pray for the health of the students and teachers! This bug really is not a fun one!!

Thanks for following my blog :)! I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Nice blog, Danae. Keep writing.


  2. Mapping Adventures sounds wonderful! I love reading your stories Danae! Keep up the GREAT work!!
